
Energy tariff switching app

Design Lead
Native iOS / Android
No. of registered users
App / Play Store reviews
Average rating
Total saved by customers in year 1

More than half of people have never switched their energy suppliers. Without realising it, consumers are moved onto more expensive tariffs by their suppliers after 1 year. Voltz continuously tracks the energy market for them, sends notifications when better tariffs are available and even takes care of the switch for them.

A major challenge to overcome was the tightly regulated restrictions in the energy industry that led to enforced journey choices and terms and conditions acceptance that governed much of the navigation requirements.

Working on the product for more than 2 years involved a full-time marketing campaign and a strong social media presence including prime time TV commercials I produced that were aired on Sky One.

A 30 second advertisement aired on 90 TV channels including Sky One for a period of 12 weeks.