
444% funded on Kickstarter

Campaign length
30 days
Start date
Nov 2020
Fulfilment date
Jan 2021
Funding achievement
444% of target
Artefacts created
Website, web editor, campaign video, photography

Combining a fascination with modern mapping software and generative art, I created a web app that allows anyone to turn a mapped place into a work of art. Launching on Kickstarter allowed me to identify 40 early supporters of the product concept and through their impassioned feedback I iterated on the product offering. It was 146% funded on its first day.

I built the website and web app using a combination of Webflow and Mapbox Studio allowing me to customise the styling of the map to closely simulate the framed floating map artwork.

With the map editor web app, users can select their location, zoom level and custom text labels. The resultant map designs are then exported as vector files and sent to be printed by a laser cutter from fine-grade paper. The works are displayed encased within 2 sheets of glass and set away from the background of the frame, creating a subtle drop shadow.

Early testing revealed users became disorientated by a lack of labels on the map, originally entirely omitted in order to represent an accurate preview of the final artwork. By temporarily enabling the visibility of the place names when the user directly interacts with the map, allowed for an intuitive geographical aid without compromising the expected output of the printing process.

The project is now in hiatus after its crowdfunding stage. I am in the process of making some changes to the framing solution and adjusting the presentation of the artwork. I am also sourcing a new framer and a new laser cutting partner. Watch this space!